The Journey
The daily reading of the Holy Word of YHWH.
Take the Journey and dedicate yourself with reading a chapter-a-day of the Holy Word of YHWH.
Reading or listening to the bible is one of the most important and effective ways for helping you gain salvation by YHWH God through faith in his Son Yahsah Messiah. It provides you with the accurate knowledge of God and his Son.
“Uncover my eyes that I may look at the wonderful things out of your law”. Psalms 119:18
Here on this site you will be able to complete the courses and forward any questions you might have in helping you achieve your goal of gaining accurate knowledge of YHWH and Yahsah Messiah.
We are all on a journey of some sort. But ask yourself the question, where does your journey take you? There are a variety of journeys we take during our life on this earth, and not all journeys have a good outcome. But there are journeys that have a beautiful outcome.
We are on a journey, intentional or not. The time may come in our lives when we need to be conscious of our journey and how it benefits us.
I am on my Journey which I am conscious of and know the benefits that awaits me when I come to the end of my Journey on this earth. During my journey I will experience many trials, blessings, test, tribulations, temptations, elevations, joy, peace and love. (just to mention a few).
The benefit of my Journey is salvation with love and peace and being with the Father YHWH in the heavens. Many of us may not know, but we are here on this earth to get right with YHWH GOD and to be reconciled to YHWH. Now is the time to consciously take your Journey through the reading of the Holy Word of YHWH each day.