About Us

4 Corners of the Earth is the name of this organization and was established in 2003. It didn’t gain social media recognition until 2021. Information about 4 Corners of the Earth began to spread in London in 2003. It then it spread to the rest of the UK. Now, Greater Manchester is the base for 4 Corners of the Earth. The name “4 Corners of the Earth” came from providence. It was a conversation with a friend that sparked an unconscious revelation. It was at that time that I used it as the name of the ministry ordained to me.

Our mission is to spread the good news to all people. We aim to make disciples of them and to encourage them to preach and teach. It’s important to know that 4 corners of the earth focus on teaching the truth. This truth comes from the Bible and divine inspiration. We also focus much more on the new covenant, which is the teaching of the Messiah through his apostles. We teach the same thing and do not deviate from our understanding. Instead, we check all things about scriptures and messages.

We’re on the path of righteousness, which is the path of salvation. We focus on love and peace, freedom and unity. We’re helping to change the world, and it starts with the individual, like it started with us.

We are not religious. We are a spiritual organization teaching about “The Way” of Yahsah Messiah. We know the Messiah is the Son of YHWH sent to us to save the world. He sacrificed his life for us and ascended to His Father in heaven. We know He’s returning to Earth as ruler and to gather His people from the extremity of the 4 Corners of the Earth.

All should indeed have the opportunity to hear the word of life, so that each person may decide to give their life to God and experience His love, peace, joy, and happiness… and get the fruits of God’s Spirit.

The good news gives us certainty for a better future. It will be a new life in a Utopia, that will never return to the way the world is now. We know there will be a new heaven and a new earth to take place. No more sorrow, pain, outcry, suffering, or death. It’s what we know. Since we started years ago, we’ve spoken to thousands of people about it. We know that speaking the true message of freedom, the Word of YHWH, will help set you free.

We have researched the name of God and the name of the Son of God. The names are true and the teachings of the Messiah remain the same. We know that the way into the Kingdom of God is by having faith in the Messiah and being born again. 4 Corners of the Earth will expand by the power of God’s Holy Spirit and through His Son, our Commander. We’ll reach our goal with those who believe and know our Father in Heaven and His Son.

We glorify God and Yahsah Messiah His Son, by living a righteous life, doing right in the eyes of YHWH.

We understand our purpose on earth: to get right with God and have the everlasting life that he us. No one can take that away.

Many religions have set a division among believers all over the world. It does not make spreading the good news of truth any easier. Follow the Messiah and worship YHWH God; this is the message. We’ve carried that message. As Yahsah is one with His Father, we can be one with Them too. We can do this by receiving the Holy Spirit of YHWH. Remember, only One has come and given His life. It is Yahsah Messiah, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Him.

How far is our journey and when will it end?